Chapter 2 – Where are you?

This is a legitimate question now that you have a minimal comprehension of my nature, even if incorrect. And I wish I could answer in an exhaustive manner, but I am almost as in the dark as you. I already sense your disappointment; hold onto this feeling, we might both need it. The broad spectrum of your feelings actually.

The exact location is unclear and uninteresting. An uncharted territory if you desire to explore, a reassuring shelter for those back from their journey or simply an ethereal place out there. I have never been able to describe my environment the way it is normally done. The words don’t flow. Probably because I have never been asked to before. You might be my first official visitor, congratulations.

When I look around, there is no up, no down, no left and no right. No beginning and no end. Despite the absence of details it appears to be a familiar place. Truth be told, you should probably recognise it too. Could it be a mirror of our own inner world? To help you with visualising my surroundings, I can only tell you what I can sense. It is evolving and deeply immersive. It seems it has always been here, nothing new per se. I am surrounded and I float. And soon you will too. Isn’t it exciting?

You haven’t noticed yet, but you are with me now. The notion of spectator doesn’t apply to you anymore. You are in a different universe, my universe, our universe: The Blue Neon.

Yours Sincerely,